The ZFCPHP offers 3 undergraduate & graduate courses at the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health (MEZCOPH): HPS 403, HPS 497L-001, and HPS 497E/597E.
HPS 403 Applications in Health Promotion: Behavioral Theories & Health (Fall, 3 credits)
Course Instructor: Samantha Werts, MPH
Offered: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 4-5:15 PM
Course Description: An advanced undergraduate course that analyzes community health and develops applied knowledge and skills in health behavior and health promotion to meet the health needs of diverse communities. Diversity is addressed in terms of demographics (age, race/ethnicity, gender, SES) as well as settings (schools, municipalities, programs, etc). The emphasis is on current science and behavioral health theories related to primary prevention, health promotion, behavior change and application of health behavior/health promotion strategies and plans to meet community needs.

Transtheoretical Model: Stages of Change
HPS 497L-001 Public Health for School and Community Based Childhood Obesity Prevention Programming (Fall/Spring, 2 credits)
Course Instructor: Sabrina Plattner, M.Ed.
Offered: Tuesdays, 1:15-3:15 PM, Off Campus
Course Description: Students will gain an introduction to childhood obesity prevention and school-based wellness by disseminating the Healthy Schools Tucson (HST) program. Course instructors will integrate school partnerships and staff to discuss local wellness policy goals within the Tucson community. Semester projects include program implementation and evaluation, nutrition and physical activity education, and community wellness. Students will utilize and provide feedback for intervention materials, develop program deliverables, and participate in obesity-prevention community outreach events.

Spring 2019: Project Healthy Schools
HPS 497E/597E Public Health for Community Wellness (Fall/Spring, 2 credits)
Course Instructor: Sabrina Plattner, M.Ed.
Offered: Wednesdays, 3-5 PM, Off Campus
Course Description: Students will gain an introduction to community wellness initiatives through service at the Primavera Foundation's Las Abuelitas After-School Program. Course instructors will collaborate with community leaders to present a holistic view of public health goals and strengths within the community. Students will gain valuable insights into health equity and community wellness, as well as have the opportunity to build relationships, generate shared ideas, and create health education materials/programming to support community wellness. The course integrates presentations, readings, and assessment tools with community-based activities.

Spring 2018: "Stash the Trash" at Las Abuelitas