Karen L.Weihs MD
Karen L. Weihs MD

Major Area of Interest:
Study of resilience and vulnerability to depression in the face of stress related to cancer diagnosis, treatment and survivorship for patients, as well their family members, with particular emphasis on the wellness of their children
Dr. Weihs has been continuously funded for 20 years to conduct research on biobehavioral oncology, using prospective longitudinal designs to determine impact of emotional and interpersonal processes on medical and psychosocial outcomes. Her research is informed by clinical experience providing preventive interventions and clinical psychosocial services to cancer patients and their family members. She have been a comprehensive member of the University of Arizona, Comprehensive Cancer Center since 2006 and currently lead the Mechanisms of Emotion, Social Relationships and Health Developing Research Program within the University of Arizona, Clinical and Translational Research Institute.
Her research on risk factors for depression and treatment of depression has been ongoing for 15 years, with an NIH funded study of job loss stress induced depression and multiple industry-sponsored pharmacologic trials of medications for depression in adults and children.
Department of Psychiatry
Department of Family Medicine
Arizona Cancer Center
The University of Arizona