Deanna L.Lewis PA-C, MBA
Deanna L. Lewis PA-C, MBA

Major Area of Interest:
Public Health, non-profit organization, Tucson Fire Department, how to preventing childhood drowning's
As the founder and executive director of a local, grassroots, 501 (c)(3), non-profit organization, Dr. Lewis' experience has revealed that cultivating relationships is one of the most valuable skills one can posses. She has worked collaboratively and in partnership with community members, non-profits, for-profits, business and civic leaders, as well as educational institutions and students to successfully develop and implement programs that serve the community at large. Her appreciation for the health and wellness of her community and public education is a direct result of having served as a public servant (firefighter/fire inspector/paramedic) with the Tucson Fire Department; service to her community runs deep. The basis for her epidemiological understanding and concern for illness and injury came at a time when Tucson and Arizona was known nationally for childhood drowning’s; Tucson Fire Department members were responding to 9-1-1 calls for these submersion incidents and they were primarily for children under the age of 5 years old. What they understood about these childhood drowning’s was they were 100% preventable. Through the investigation of predisposing factors, development of curriculum to educate individuals and the community, partnerships with key stakeholders, and the development and adoption of local ordinance’s to regulate and require barriers for pools and spas they were able to successfully impact and reduce childhood drowning’s.
Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health
The University of Arizona